Large-Scale Group Game Idea (Unlimited Players)

 My game idea for an unlimited amount of people does not require props of any kind, however two parallel walls/lines/benches etc are required. The aim of the game is to be the last person left 'uncaptured' by the enemy.


  • One player is designated as 'border patrol' and must stand in the middle of the parallel lines.
  • The other players stand touching the line ready to run across to the other side.
  • Whenever they are ready any number of the players at the line can make a dash for the 'border' (the other line), trying not to be captured by the border patrol.
  • If a player is 'tagged' by the border patrol, they must link arms with them (up to a maximum of five persons, after five people are joined a new group of five is made).
  • The winner is the last person touching the line.

My game is quite similar to bulldog, but involves the 'border patrol' players linking arms, making it not only harder for them to manoeuvre, but also harder for the 'imigrants' to pass them.


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