So... Where to start?

 Well hello! I didn't see you standing back there, come forward, out of the darkness and into the warm bathing light that is a practicing game designer's blog! I will be using this blog over the next three years to show my evolution from a lowly passionate gamer, in to a beautiful butterfly! (Or better known as: a Games Designer)

In preperation for becoming a very important 'butterfly', I gave myself an interview! To better understand, well... me!

Question 1: What is the title of the fictional book you are currently reading, or the last one you read?

I finished reading 'His Dark Materials' series recently, and proceeded to pick up the follow on short-stories: Lyra's Oxford and Once Upon a Time in the North, all by Philip Pullman.

Question 2: What is the title/topic of the non-fictional book you are currently reading, or the last one you read?

I am currently attempting to read "Essential ActionScript 3.0"...

Question 3: What is the last live performance you attended?

Pariah and Exhale the Skies gig, helping to support my local bands!

Question 4: What is the title of the last film you saw at the cinema / online or watched on DVD?

Disctrict 9, albeit for the 12th time... But who's counting?

Question 5: How often do you read a newspaper?

Whenever there's a newspaper in front of me, you can be sure I'll have a good read!

Question 6: Which art gallery / museum / exhibition did you last visit?

Museum of Natural History in London. I also recently attended the Eurogamer Exposition, possibly one of the greatest experiences of my life - playing many unreleased games, and generally having a great time with thousands of other gamers!

Question 7: How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?

Between 30 and 50 hours or possibly more... Too much? No. NOT ENOUGH!

Question 8: How many hours a week do you spend playing games other than video games?

Between 5 and 10 hours. 99% of this time is most likely spent playing chess or poker!

So that's it for the interview, and for the first of many, many blog posts! I'll finish on a quote from a brilliant man in the games industry -

"A single-player game is really a movie that you create in cooperation with the player, where the lead actor doesn't have a copy of the script." 
                                - Gabe Newell (Co-Founder and Managing Director of Valve) 

Peace out!


  1. Eddie Duggan said...:

    35-60 hours a week gaming!? When are you going to get all that designing and Actionscripting done?

  1. ActionScript is like a game! :D But still... Playing games is an axpect of games design? Market research... yes... that's it!

  1. rob said...:

    50 hours gaming a week is waaaay too much, but at least you have a massive bank of time to draw on for the course. I really liked District 9, but not sure i could watch it that many times.

  1. That bank of time is just what I need for this course :) I'm the guy who watches films over and over and over again if I like them. My girlfriend hates it :)

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