This task required us to use a program called Zotero, which is used as an extension for most browsers which allows the user to easily create a bibliography; such as this:
Bell, R.C., 1980. Board and Table Games from Many Civilisations 2nd ed., Dover Publications Inc.
LeBlanc M. (2006) "Tools for Creating Dramatic Game Dynamics". In Salen, K. & Zimmerman, E., 2006. The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology, MIT Press, pp.438-460.
Rosenzweig, G., 2011.
ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University 2nd ed., QUE.
Salen, K. & Zimmerman, E. (2003)
Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. The MIT Press.
Costikyan, G. I Have No Words & I Must Design: Toward a Critical Vocabulary for Games.
Becker, A.,"The Royal Game of Ur" in Finkel, ed., 2009 pp. 11-15
A compilation of useful readings that I will be referring to, each blog post will contain references to readings and on most occasions I will state the source straight after the reference. This task was mainly presented to us in order to better understand how we must reference (and layout those references) in future essays/blog posts, whilst also providing knowledge on how to better search the internet for relevant articles.